A detailed guide to start with WEB DEVELOPMENT

A detailed guide to start with WEB DEVELOPMENT


3 min read

What is web development ?

You have seen a lot of search results when you search for something on Google or Safari. When you click on one of the links, you are directed to a page known as a Webpage.

Web Development is a vast concept with a ton lot of stuff to learn. But no worries, you can make a basic and good looking webpage, with just learning two basic technologies (HTML and CSS).

You might be thinking what is HTML / CSS

Lest dive deep into it. HTML is HyperText Markup Language and CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. You can think HTML of the basic structure of a webpage (similar to how our skeleton is the main structure of our body). And CSS is the one that is responsive to how the webpage looks.

Tell me how to learn them

Some sources from which you can learn HTML and CSS



Importont concepts of HTML and CSS If you thoroughly understand these concepts, you can pretty much make a very good looking static website and go ahead to learn more about Web Development

~ HTML file head vs body.

~ Semantic HTML

~ Inline vs Block elements in HTML

~ CSS Selectors

~ CSS Box Model

~ CSS Flexbox and Grid

No worries, you can learn all the above concepts by searching on Google

Remember, the most important skill of a web developer is to learn how to Google stuff. So go ahead.

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